America's Male Personification

30" x 40" “I want YOU for U.S. Army”James Montgomery Flagg (1877-1960) 1917

21" x 36" "Saving daylight!” Unknown (initials NBH) United Cigar Stores Company ca. 1917-1919

24" x 36" “Honor roll of women who will work to win the war” Unknown artist Civilian Service and Labor Department Thomson Printing Company ca. 1917-1918

24" x 36" “Shall we be more tender with our dollars than with the lives of our sons?” Dan Sayre Groesbeck (1878-1950) Illinois Litho Co. 1917

21" x 36" “Victory! Congress passes daylight saving bill” Unknown (initials NBH) United Cigar Stores Company ca. 1918

26" x 36" “Help Uncle Sam’s boys. Give your days’ pay” United War Work Campaign, Industrial Division Brandau-Craig-Dickerson Co. ca. 1917-1918

24" x 36" “Side by side – Britannia!” James Montgomery Flagg (1877-1960) 1918

26" x 36" “Follow the Pied Piper” Maginel Wright Enright (1877-1966) The United States School Garden Army 1918